Porch Delivery Service

Connect, Explore, Imagine, and Create at home!

Do you want library materials delivered directly to your home? Set up a porch delivery by calling the library at 859-654-8535 or completing the form at pcplibrary.org/bookmobile-2.

Here are some testimonials from community members who use this service…

“I love when Sandy brings me books.”

“This is such a great service!”

“I can’t wait until I get my next delivery of books.”

“I love not even having to leave my house to get books.”

“Sandy does such a good job of picking out books for me.”

“Sandy knows exactly what I like to read.”

“It is nice to not have to leave my house to get books and movies.”

“Sandy does such a good job of keeping up with what I like to read and watch.”

“I don’t know why more people don’t take advantage of this service.”


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