Day of the Dead Program Submissions Wanted

PCPL is at it again – library programming that is. We want to honor our ancestors with a “Day of the Dead” program. We are looking for folks willing to film a short (2 minutes top) segment on a person of your choice. This person MUST have LIVED in Pendleton County at some point in their life before they passed away. We want the segments filmed graveside, showing their marker.

The footage should be sent to by October 23. We will accept them later but they won’t be included on this program. Please do not send the segments via messenger, we won’t be able to use those. They need them to be sent through the email above.

We only need about 6-8 segments. If we get more than that, we reserve the right to use them in a second film for another program.

Posted in Adults, All Ages, Kids, Teens.