“Check these out!!”

“I debated whether or not to watch the new version of The Lion King. I loved the animated movie when I was a kid, and watched it over and over and over and…I’m sure my parents were beyond sick of it, but I watched it so much that I knew all the words and songs by heart. With so much love for the original Disney version, I thought this one might be a letdown. I was wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and had to fight the urge to sing along. There are just enough little changes to wording to keep it humorous and entertaining. The scenery and animals are gorgeous. Even my husband liked the movie. In the end, I was glad I decided to give it a try.”

Highly recommended. Reserve it today at https://catalog.pcplibrary.org/webopac//default.aspx?CatID=149199.


“Be brave. Be bold. Be you.” Lily and Dunkin, written by Donna Gephart, is an excellent book that addresses many issues and stigmas facing adolescents in a positive way.

The story follows Lily, a transgender girl trying  to be herself, and Dunkin, a young boy dealing with the ups and downs of bipolar disorder. Their interwoven story is both heartbreaking and inspiring as they each struggle to find acceptance both at home and school.

This is a story for anyone who has ever felt like an outcast, anyone who has struggled with being different, and anyone who loves someone dealing with the stigma of being different. This is a story that shows the power of support from family and friends.

Highly recommended. Reserve it today at https://catalog.pcplibrary.org/webopac//default.aspx?CatID=141790.

Posted in Adults, All Ages, Teens.