Amnesty For All

Amnesty For All

Libraries all across the Commonwealth of Kentucky are making it easier for people to use their local library when Coronavirus restrictions are eased and libraries can reopen.  The board of trustees of the Pendleton County Public Library voted April 20 to provide “Amnesty for All” and wave all fines and fees for all patrons.

This amnesty offer includes charges for lost or damaged items assessed prior to March 17, 2020 when the library closed to protect the health and safety of staff and patrons.

Items currently checked out are expected to be returned to the library so that others may use them.  Overdue fees are not charged by PCPL for returned items and have not been charged since December, 2017.

“People have been through a lot and we want to make it as easy as possible for our patrons to use their library again,” said Melissa Byrd, director.  “Amnesty for All wipes the slate clean and provides a fresh start.  This is especially important for people who have suffered through this pandemic.”

Patrons do not need to come to the library to clear their accounts.

Byrd said waiving fines and fees allows people to use all of the library’s services at a time when they need the library the most.

Libraries are not alone in helping people who have suffered from the coronavirus pandemic.  Landlords are waiving rents, unemployment benefits have been extended, small business loans are being granted and many businesses are providing multiple free services.

Everyone is figuring out how to work from home or anticipate the new normal.

“People have lost their jobs and some have lost loved ones.  Parents have put their lives on hold to help homeschool their children.  Families with tight incomes may have had to give up internet access or put streaming services on hold.  This is a tough time for everyone. We know that providing total amnesty is the right thing to do to help people where we can,” Byrd said.

In addition to Pendleton County Public Library, other libraries around the state are also offering Amnesty for All to help patrons recover after the stay-at-home coronavirus restrictions are lifted.

Posted in Adults, All Ages, Kids, Teens.