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Meeting Room Policy

Meeting Room
Created 10-19-99
Revised 4-22-2024
In keeping with the Pendleton County Public Library (PCPL) mission “to connect our community, explore the world, imagine what can be, and create” the Library provides a Meeting Room for non-profit organizations or individuals. Meetings held in the room must be open to all, without restriction based on any nondiscrimination basis.
Commercial or profit-making organizations sponsoring educational programs of a non-profit nature will be permitted to use the facility on a case-by-case basis provided the meetings are open and free to the public and do not include selling, solicitation, or order taking.
Permission to use the Library facility does not, in any way, constitute an endorsement by the Library of the group or the group’s beliefs.

  • Library programming will have first priority in scheduling room use.
  •  The Library reserves the right to cancel a reservation granted to an outside group if an unexpected Library need arises. A three day notice will be given to the cardholder requesting the reservation.
  •  PCPL cardholders 18 years of age, and in good standing, may reserve the meeting room by submitting a Meeting Room Application (see Error! Reference source not found.). The cardholder is considered the official representative of the group and will be responsible for seeing that Library policies are observed and communicated to the group.
  • Teenage and children’s groups must have an adult sponsor, at least 21 years of age, present during the entire meeting.
  •  Any fees for damages or cleaning will be charged to the applicant’s Library account. (Cleaning fine - $50.00, Damage fine – assessed at full replacement or repair value, not less than $50.00)
  •  The meeting room will be available during regular Library hours on a first come/first reserved basis. Meetings lasting longer than regular Library hours must be approved by the Director.
  •  Reservations should be made 24 hours prior to the meeting and can be taken over the phone but will not be final until all paperwork is completed and returned. All groups will be notified of approved or rejected applications.
  •  Applications may be rejected and previously granted permission may be withdrawn for violation of Library rules or conduct inconsistent with Library rules and regulations.
  •  Reservations may not be made more than two months in advance. A group may schedule no more than two reservations per month. Exceptions can be made on an individual basis by the Director.

Rules for Use

  •  Groups reserving the meeting room may not use the Library’s name, logo or address in any way that indicates Library sponsorship of their event.
  •  All groups will agree to hold PCPL and the Board of Trustees free from any loss, damage, liability, costs, and/or expense that may arise during or to be caused in any way by such use of the Library facility.
  •  The Meeting Room is not available for personal or private parties such as birthday celebrations, showers, or receptions.
  •  The Meeting Room may not be used for any unlawful purpose and meetings may not disturb normal Library function.
  •  The Library cannot be responsible for loss or damage to exhibits left in the room or personal property of those attending the meetings.
  •  Room setup and tear down is the responsibility of the groups using the room. The group is expected to leave it in a neat, clean, and orderly condition. Any costs resulting for damages or cleaning will be charged to the applicant’s account and future use of the Meeting Room may be denied.
  •  Alcoholic beverages of any nature are prohibited on all Library premises.
  •  The use of any smoke or tobacco product is prohibited on all PCPL property (see Smoke and Tobacco Free Property).

Groups may not affix anything to walls, ceilings or doors in the facility without permission from the Library.