Get A Library Card
All citizens of Pendleton County are invited and encouraged to become patrons of the Library. Any Kentucky residents who are willing to follow the Library’s guidelines and regulations are welcome as patrons.

Library Cards
All patrons must be issued a library card before materials can be borrowed.
- A free library card will be issued after appropriate identification has been shown and an application card has been completed.
- An address verification postcard will then be mailed by the Library to each new patron. This postcard must be returned to the Library or Outreach Vehicle to complete the registration procedure and activate full borrowing privileges.
- Library cards can be used immediately, and patrons may have a total of 2 items checked out at any given time until the address verification postcard is returned.
Adult cards are issued to patrons 18 years of age or older.
Ages 18 and above:
- Must be present to fill out and sign an application card.
- Must provide photo ID.
Young Adult cards are issued to patrons ages 13-17.
Ages 13-17:
- Must be present to fill out and sign an application card.
- Must provide proof of name. Acceptable proof includes photo ID, school ID, school related documents, or other official documentation. Homeschooling families may present their yearly “letter of intent” in lieu of a school ID and foster families may present court documents. Other forms of ID may be approved by the Director on a case-by-case basis.
- A parent or legal guardian has the right to choose for their child ages 13-17 to be issued a Child card instead of a Young Adult card, thus limiting access to borrow only those materials available on a Child card.
Child cards are issued to patrons ages birth to 12.
Ages birth to 12:
- Must be present.
- The application card must be filled out in the child’s name.
- The parent or legal guardian must be present and must:
- Provide his/her photo ID.
- Sign his/her child’s application card. Alternative methods of consent, such as notes, phone calls, or a neighbor’s, relative’s, or baby-sitter’s signature will not be accepted.
Library cards must be renewed every three years in order to remain active. At the time of renewal, patrons must complete a new application card to allow staff to update personal information such as address, phone number, and email address as necessary. If a patron has had mail returned to the Library, a new address verification postcard may be required. Cards that are damaged to such an extent that it can no longer be used, will be replaced when renewed at no charge.
If a card is lost or stolen, it is the patron’s responsibility to notify the Library immediately. The patron will be held responsible for any material checked out before the card is reported lost or stolen. There is a $1.00 non-refundable replacement fee for a lost card. Cards that are reported lost or stolen cannot be used.
If a card is damaged to such an extent that it can no longer be used, a replacement card must be issued before any material is checked out. There is a non-refundable $1.00 replacement fee for a damaged card. Worn out cards may be replaced at no charge at the discretion of circulation staff.
Patrons should return all Library material by the due date. No late fines accrue for materials returned after the due date; however, Library privileges may be revoked if overdue materials are not returned in a timely manner.
Patrons may continue to borrow materials until an item is 1 month overdue. If an item is more than 1 month overdue, borrowing privileges are suspended. Return of the item in good condition or payment for the item is required to restore borrowing privileges.
Patrons must present their library card each time they wish to borrow materials. Patrons may use another person’s card to borrow materials as long as they present the physical card to staff. Library staff will assume that any patron with another person’s library card has been given permission to use that card.
The individual to whom a library card is issued is responsible for all material borrowed on that card. A parent or legal guardian who signs for a child’s card is responsible for all material borrowed on that card.
The person responsible must pay any charges incurred for damage or loss of materials. Materials damaged beyond reasonable repair or lost while in the care of the patron must be paid for according to the latest replacement price.
Library materials that are returned with missing parts will not be checked in. Items may be renewed (if possible) to allow time to resolve the issue. These items will remain on the patron’s card until all parts of the item have been returned. If the missing parts are not returned, replacement fees for the item (or missing parts if possible) will be charged to the patron’s account.