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Enslaved Persons in Pendleton County

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 Slave NameOwner Last NameOwner First NameLocationGenderSource(s)Notes
1st child of DinahMcCartyMaryPendleton Co.UnknownWill in Deed Book F, pg 165First child that my Negro slave Dinah may have to niece Mary McCarty
1st child of DinahWallerSarahPendleton Co.UnknownWill in Deed Book F, pg 165First child that my Negro slave Dinah may have to niece Mary McCarty
AaronLoweLeathaPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Aaron, Negro boy to daughter Leathy Lowe; will of John Lowe written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
AaronLowe, Sr.JohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Aaron, Negro boy to daughter Leathy Lowe; will written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
AbeScottJamesPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 29 Apr 1853
AlexanderClarksonAnslemPendleton Co.MKY County Court Records Volume III; Deed Book C, page 249.A negro boy named Alexander to daughter Elizabeth Johnson; to be given to heirs of James Johnson after death of daughter; will written 26 Nov 1816 in Bourbon County, probated 21 Jun 1817 in Pendleton Co.; will of Anselm Clarkson.
AlexanderJohnsonElizabethPendleton Co.MKY County Court Records Volume III; Deed Book C, page 249.A negro boy named Alexander to daughter Elizabeth Johnson; to be given to heirs of James Johnson after death of daughter; will written 26 Nov 1816 in Bourbon County, probated 21 Jun 1817 in Pendleton Co.; will of Anslem Clarkson.
AlexanderJohnsonJames (heirs of)Pendleton Co.MKY County Court Records Volume III; Deed Book C, page 249.A negro boy named Alexander to daughter Elizabeth Johnson; to be given to heirs of James Johnson after death of daughter; will written 26 Nov 1816 in Bourbon County, probated 21 Jun 1817 in Pendleton Co.; will of Anslem Clarkson.
AlexanderWoodsonW. G.Pendleton Co.MBirth recordDOB 20 Sep 1855; Black
AlfordAsburyThomasPendleton Co.MEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry filesale price $137.50. Sale was in 1827.
AlfredAsburyThomasPendleton Co.MEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry fileAge 7. Purchased by Wm. Ellis for $250.00. Sale was in 1827.
AllenHobayJohnPendleton Co.MCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102,Charity lives with a man named Allen, as her husband; they were married at Jared Woodsworths house. Allen took the name Southgate but had previously been known by Hobday.
AmbroseWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)MWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Also agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
America??Pendleton Co.F1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in KY; age 40 years; died in April 1850 from Chronic?; ill 30 days
AmfieldMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.UnknownWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Nan's child to grandson John William Mountjoy; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825.
AmfieldMountjoyJohn WilliamPendleton Co.UnknownWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Nan's child to grandson John William Mountjoy; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
AndersonWheelerIgnatiusPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book D, p. 507Anderson, Negro Man; After my man Anderson has served my wife, and my youngest daughter Elizabeth for 3 years after my death, he is to be set free because of his long and faithful service to me. Will written 20 Jul 1821 and probated 23 Jun 1823.
AndersonWheeler (later Asberry)ElizabethPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book D, p. 507Anderson, Negro Man; After my man Anderson has served my wife, and my youngest daughter Elizabeth for 3 years after my death, he is to be set free because of his long and faithful service to me. Will written 20 Jul 1821 and probated 23 Jun 1823.
AnicaDanceThomasCallensville, Pendleton Co.FCo. Court pkg 31age 21; sold 15 Jan 1862 for $500.00
AnnAsburyThomasPendleton Co.FEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry fileAge 9 yrs.purchased by James M. Clarkson for $210.50. Sale was in 1827.
AnnBrannJoseph J.Pendleton Co.FDeed: F.M. Fugate to Joseph J Brann dated 1 Oct 1860;Negro girl named Ann of dark complexion, about 22 years old.
AnnBrannThomas S.Pendleton Co.FMortgage Book A pg 103Same slave as deeded to Joseph J Brann and also owned by F. M. Fugate
AnnDuffyPatrickPendleton Co.FBirth recorddate of birth 14 July 1853 - mother Catherine Last name is unreadable. Could be free people of color- not clear.
AnnFugateF. M.Pendleton Co.FDeed: F.M. Fugate to Joseph J Brann dated 1 Oct 1860;Negro girl named Ann of dark complexion, about 22 years old.
AnnMcKeeJohnPendleton Co.FE.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee fileage 10; apprasied at $250; 7 Apr 1845 Report of Wm. C. Naylor Gdn. for John E and Martha Ann McKee, children and heirs of John McKee, dec'd.; also "Division of Slaves" County Court pkg 13 Apr Term 1848 gives age as 14 and value at $350.
AnnMcKeeMarthaPendleton Co.FE.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee fileDivision of Slaves Co. Court pkg 13 Apr Term 1848
AnnWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)FWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Also agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
AnsfordLowe, Sr.JohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Ansford, Negro boy to daughter Susan Monroe; boy is to go to her two children Susan Monroe and John James Monroe; will written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
AnsfordLoweLeathaPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Ansford, Negro boy to daughter Susan Monroe; boy is to go to her two children Susan Monroe and John James Monroe; will of John Lowe written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
AnthonyBarkerJohn HPendleton Co.MDeposition taken 2nd Monday in Feb. 1864Son of Mary who was with Catherine Barker, widow of John H Barker. Now age 8.
AylseHandJohn, Sr.Pendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife, Jenny, Aylse negro woman to my daughter Frances N. Hanson;
AylseHansonFrances NPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife, Jenny, Aylse negro woman to my daughter Frances N. Hanson; will of John Hand, Sr.
BarbaraMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Daughter, Margaret Goodwin and to my two granchildren, Mary Ann Goodwin and James Goodwin 50 acres plantation purchased from Graham Wallace, only if the said John Goodwin, his wife, or either of his children should not lay any claim to the Negro woman Barbara, which I sold to pay for the said land; Will of John Mountjoy
Barbary FisherFisherTurnerPendleton Co.FCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102,under the age of 21
BasselAulickCharlesPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 15 Oct 1853 - mother Eliza
BelindaAsberrySarahPendleton Co.FPendleton county Circuit Court pkg. 126; Sarah Asberry vs. George Glenn, a free man of color dated 22 Mar 1856child of Maria; wife of George Glenn, a free man of color, who left the state with her and her children; child valued at $300, age 4;
BenBrowningElijahPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 8 Oct 1859
BenDanceThomasCallensville, Pendleton Co.MCo. Court pkg 31age 6; sold 15 Jan 1862 for $500.00
BenDanceThomasCallensville, Pendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 6 Dec 1855
BenMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Ben, Negro man to son, John; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825.
BenMountjoy, JrJohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Ben, Negro man to son, John; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
BenRuleWilliam CPendleton Co.MPendleton County Court papers filedpapers filed in Pendleton Co. KY Court in Oct of 1860 contained a recommendation theste slaves be sold "since they were located in Pendleton Co, a border county with the state of Ohio. They were sold on the first Monday of December 1860 at the court house door.
Benjamin WiloughbySterneCharlesPendleton Co.MPendleton County Court Records & I've Got a Home in Gloryland:A Lost Tale of the Underground Railroad by Karolyn Smardz FrostEmancipated by deed on 16 Dec 1816; Bond set at $500.
Bill AulickAulick?Henry?Pendleton Co.M1860 Mortality Schedule & (1850 Slave Census?)Black; 17years old; dropsy of heart was cause of death; ill 10 days; died in Jul 1859
BobRuleWilliam CPendleton Co.MPendleton County Court papers filedpapers filed in Pendleton Co. KY Court in Oct of 1860 contained a recommendation theste slaves be sold "since they were located in Pendleton Co, a border county with the state of Ohio. They were sold on the first Monday of December 1860 at the court house door.
BobThompsonJosephPendleton Co.MBirth recordDOB 3 Jul 1854; Black
BuchananHallThomas GPendleton Co.MBirth recordDOB 20 Mar 1857: has both Mulatto and Black on record
Caleb HItchSouthgatePolly AnnPendleton Co.MCommonwealth vs. Polly Ann Southgate, a free woman of color dated 20 Apr 1859Suffering Slave to go at large &c hire himself – in Mch 1859, being owner of a negro slave Caleb Hitch, did permit sd slave to go at large and hirehimself out for his own benefit and the benefit of deft.
CateHallF.S.Pendleton Co.M1860 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Died in July 1859 of Scarlett Fever; age 7; sick 9 days
CecilyRedenhourJohnPendleton Co.FPendleton Co Order Book JEmancipted 6 Nov 1848; $500 Bond executed by Joseph Redenhour executor of John Redenhour and Richard Stowers (surety).
CharityWilletMartin F.Bourbon Co.FCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102, & E.E. Barton collection of NKY familiesSold Charity and 2 children (Lucy and Rebecca) for $275, might be held bondage at Carlisle in Nicholas County.
CharityHughesAndrew S.Pendleton Co.FCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102, & E.E. Barton collection of NKY familiesOn June 23 1827, Martin Willet paid $200 dollars for Charity and her child from Andrew S. Hughes the buyer also entitled to increase of Charity or Lucy
CharityWilsonSamuelPendleton Co.FCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102, & E.E. Barton collection of NKY familiesIn 1820 Samuel Wilson bought Charity, in 1824 Charity brought a suit through Joshua Powell against Samuel Wilson and David Plamer for her freedom. The suit contended that Samuel Wilson had received an order from Reid to deliver her to Minor Winn. who had declared he intended to take her to New Orleans and sell her and make her a slave for life.
CharityWoodsworthJaredPendleton Co.FCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102, & E.E. Barton collection of NKY familiesKept Charity for some years and then sold her and her children to Martin F. Willet. Chartiy was to serve to the age of 28 years old, when Charity left my house she was to be 13 or 14 years old.
CharlesBostonLucienPendleton Co.MBirth recordMulatto; DOB 15 Aug 1852
CharlesColemanFrancisPendleton Co.MInventory of Estate of Francis ColemanNegro boy appraisal for $250 on 27 Nov 1821
CharlesDanceWilliamCallensville, Pendleton Co.MCo. Court pkg 24Sold to Jarvy (Jarvis) Thompson on 3 Mar 1851 for $650. Appraised on 11 Dec 1850 for $500.00; age 11
CharlesLakeJosephPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 20 Apr 1857
CharleyColemanR.L.Pendleton Co.MPendleton Co. Circuit Court pkg 209; styled Cmwth of KY for use of Manevera, a free woman of color, wife of Charley, a black man belonging to R.L. Coleman Petition filed 25 Jun 1859 by Hauser p.q. vs. James S. Hand, John McCoy, and R.M. Low
CharlieLovelaceHazelPendleton Co.MEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Lovelace fileAt time of sale Charlie was listed as being about nine years of age (as of March 4, 1844) and was sold for $363.00
CharlotteStowersRichardPendleton Co.FBirth recordDOB 20 Nov 1853 - mother Mary; black
CharlotteWilletMartin F.Bourbon Co.FCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102, & E.E. Barton collection of NKY familieson May 16, 1836, filled a suit along with their mother Charity, infants; claim to be free because they are children and descendents of a free colored woman, who was free at the times of their birth. granted freedom on June 8, 1834.
children of Mariah & LeeOxleyLawsonPendleton Co.UnknownPendleton County Circuit Court pkg. 201; styled Lawson Oxley vs. Robert Jones and E.H. Samuels filed 10 Oct 1865Mariah was wife of Lee and children were his. Oct Term 1867 Dismd for want of prosecution. Case originally filed in Harrison county venue changed to Pendleton 22 Jan 1866. Total value of Mariah and children - $1000
Children of Spencer HarrisonHallHenryBourbon Co.UnknownP. Cir. Ct. pkg 208; Spencer Harrison, a free man of color vs} (Petn filed 1 Sep 1866 by Ireland and Duncan) E.P. Willett, Eli Mullins, & T.M. RouseThe plaintiff was the property of Henry Hall of Bourbon County, ran off from sd Hall & was passing down the RR from Bourbon co. through Pendleton Co to Cincinnati, OH; captured with his wife and two children as runaway slaves; Hall requested their return.
ClaryMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Clary, Tom's wife, to daughter, Margaret; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825.
ClaryMountjoyMargaretPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Clary, Tom's wife, to daughter, Margaret; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
CloeyNorrisThomas (Heirs)Pendleton Co.FPendleton Co Order Book J page 198Deed of Emancipation from Elizabeth Purdy, Thomas J. Norris and Geo. W. Norris "and others" - being the children and representatives of Thos. Norris dec'd; emancipated on 3 Jun 1850; description: large & a dark copper color
CynthiaHobdayJohnPendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 6 May 1855
DanielAsburyThomasPendleton Co.MEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry fileAge 6 yr. purchased by Richard Asberry for $236.00. Sale was in 1827.
DarowPepperA.L.Pendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 14 Feb 1856
David??Pendleton Co.M1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in VA; age 65 years; died of unknown illness after 6 weeks
David??Pendleton Co.M1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in KY; one year old; died in Jun 1849 from Whooping cough; ill 2 weeks
DeborahSandersSarahPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book B pg 466Written 26 Mar 1814, probated 20 May 1814;
DelphaClarksonAnslemPendleton Co.FKY County Court Records Volume III; Deed Book C, page 249.A negro woman named Delpha to wife, Nancy; will written 26 Nov 1816 in Bourbon County, probated 21 Jun 1817 in Pendleton Co
DelphaClarksonNancyPendleton Co.FKY County Court Records Volume III; Deed Book C, page 249.A negro woman named Delpha to wife, Nancy; will written 26 Nov 1816 in Bourbon County, probated 21 Jun 1817 in Pendleton Co.
DennisCoppageSusanPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pg 165Dennis, Negro boy to niece, Susan Coppage, will of Sarah Waller written on 8 Sep 1828, probated 21 March 1832.
DennisWallerSarahPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pg 165Dennis, Negro boy to niece, Susan Coppage, will of Sarah Waller written on 8 Sep 1828, probated 21 March 1832.
DennisWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)MWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
Dicey??Pendleton Co.F1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in KY; age 21 years; died in August 1849 from typhoid fever; ill 18 days
DickDanceThomasCallensville, Pendleton Co.MCo. Court pkg 31child sold with mother Martha age 37 for $1,000 on 15 Jan 1862
DickEllisWilliamPendleton Co.MTranscribed deed found in files of E.E. BartonSold on payment plan- $138 in hand; and $70 in 12 months (doesn't add up to sale price); attested to by Isaac Reese, Jr. for $250.00; sale date 7 Aug 1829 to William Ellis; Sound boy, generally healthy during the time owned by Reese. Time owned by Reese was about 8 months,
DickLakeJosephPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 10 Dec 1855
DickLowe, Sr.JohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Dick, Negro man to son John; Dick shall be set free after five years; will written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
DickLoweLeathaPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Dick, Negro man to son John; Dick shall be set free after five years; will of John Lowe written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
DickReeseIsham T.Pendleton Co.MTranscribed deed found in files of E.E. BartonSold on payment plan- $138 in hand; and $70 in 12 months (doesn't add up to sale price); attested to by Isaac Reese, Jr. for $250.00; sale date 7 Aug 1829 to William Ellis; Sound boy, generally healthy during the time owned by Reese. Time owned by Reese was about 8 months,
DickRuleWilliam CPendleton Co.MPendleton County Court papers filedpapers filed in Pendleton Co. KY Court in Oct of 1860 contained a recommendation theste slaves be sold "since they were located in Pendleton Co, a border county with the state of Ohio. They were sold on the first Monday of December 1860 at the court house door.
DinahWallerSarahPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 165Dinah is to go free at my death, Reuben McCarty is to protect my Negro woman, Dinah. will of Sarah Waller written on 8 Sep 1828, probated 21 March 1832.
Easter??Pendleton Co.F1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in KY; age 60 years; Died in Dec 1849 from Dropsey; ill 60 days; Married.
EasterRobbinsAugustusPendleton Co.FDeed John E. McKee of Town Falmouth to Augustus Robbins 4 Mar 1850Mortgage of $550. Bargin and sell one negro woman named Easter, aged about 45 yrs.; one negro boy named Vincent aged about 13 warraned to be sound in body and mind. Attest: Ralph Tomlinson; Clerk Reuben McCarty.
Easter (see Esther as well)McKeeJohnPendleton Co.FDeed John E. McKee of Town Falmouth to Augustus Robbins 4 Mar 1850Mortgage of $550. Bargin and sell one negro woman named Easter, aged about 45 yrs.; one negro boy named Vincent aged about 13 warraned to be sound in body and mind. Attest: Ralph Tomlinson; Clerk Reuben McCarty.
EdwardBarkerJohn HPendleton Co.MDeposition taken 2nd Monday in Feb. 1864Was with the widow of John H Barker, Catherine, at time of deposition. Will of John H Barker had not been settled and the deposition was taken as part of a suit to settle the estate. Age is 21 next May. Services worth $50/yr. "experience considered and risk".
EdwinRiskMargaretPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB Aug 1852
ElenorGoodwinMary Ann & JamesPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Elenor, Negro child to daughter, Mary Ann Goodwin and James Goodwin, now in her possession; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
ElenorMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Elenor, Negro child to daughter, Mary Ann Goodwin and James Goodwin, now in her possession; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
ElizaDuncanHansfordPendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 29 Oct 1859
ElizaMountjoyHannahPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Eliza, Negro child, daughter of Hannah, to daughter, Margaret; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
ElizaMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Eliza, Negro child, daughter of Hannah, to daughter, Margaret; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825.
ElizaMountjoyMargaretPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Eliza, Negro child, daughter of Hannah, to daughter, Margaret; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825.
EllenGodmanAllenPendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 22 Apr 1854
ElseyBastonJamesPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 15 May 1855
ElseyFisherTurnerPendleton Co.MCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102, & E.E. Barton collection of NKY familiesElsey said that before and after he became 21, rendered service to Turner Fisher and his decedent for 17 years, worth $50 per year; prays that deft be decreed to pay for his services. Fisher answered that Elsey was set free upon arriving at the age of 21.
Elsey HughesFisherNancyPendleton Co.MCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102, & E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Pendleton Cir Ct. Elsey Hughes vs. Nancy Fisher & E.E. Barton collection of NKY families1st source: Nancy Fisher in court to have Elseys as a slave for life. 2nd source: Suing for freedom and for back wages;
Elsey HughesWilletMartin F.Bourbon Co.MCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102, & E.E. Barton collection of NKY familieswas supposed to be a white man's child making him 3/4 white. He would recive his freedom by the age of 21. Death date September 25,1845 (maybe), appeal bond of Martin F. Willet from decree of the Pendleton Circuit Court dated December 10, 1847. thought to be a "Mullatto".on May 16, 1836, filled a suit along with their mother Charity, infants, and free people of color. States that they claim to be free because they are children and descendents of a free color woman, who was free at the respective times of their birth. they all got their freedom on June 8, 1834, order by a suit that Martin Willet and the Fisher Family to pay a sum of $1000. 2nd case: "Abe Southgate is my half brother, I live in Falmouth KY. Abe came back from the army sick. Dr. Barbour has been a Dr. in the family for 17 years. My father was a white man; My mother half white; I didn’t know whether she was of african or indian decent."
Elzabeth??Pendleton Co.F1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in KY; age 4 months; died in April 1850 from croup; ill one day.
Elzy (Hughes)WillettMartinPendleton Co.MPendleton Cir Ct. Elsey Hughes & Others (persons of color) vs. William F. Willett, Excutor; & E.E. Barton collection of NKY familiessuing for freedom
EmilyHauser, Sr.Samuel T.Pendleton Co.FOwen T Sharp vs. Jennetta Sharp Pendleton Circuit Ct. Pkg 126Hauser owned 19/27th interest, excluding dower interest in the five slaves: Essex, Tom, Stephen, Kitty, and her child Emily.
EssexClarksonAnslemPendleton Co.MKY County Court Records Volume III; Deed Book C, page 249.A negro man named Essex to wife, Nancy; will written 26 Nov 1816 in Bourbon County, probated 21 Jun 1817 in Pendleton Co.
EssexClarksonNancyPendleton Co.MKY County Court Records Volume III; Deed Book C, page 249.A negro man named Essex to wife, Nancy; will written 26 Nov 1816 in Bourbon County, probated 21 Jun 1817 in Pendleton Co.; will of Anslem Clarkson
EssexHauser, Sr.Samuel T.Pendleton Co.MOwen T Sharp vs. Jennetta Sharp Pendleton Circuit Ct. Pkg 126The slave Essex on Saturday night, the 24th of August last, …. , suddenly and unexpectedly made his escpe into the Sate of Ohio. Hauser owned 19/27th interest, excluding dower interest in the five slaves: Essex, Tom, Stephen, Kitty, and her child Emily.
EstherMcKeeJohnPendleton Co.FE.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee file"age probably 45"; appraised at $325.; 7 Apr 1845 Report of Wm C Naylor for John E & Martha Ann McKee children and heirs of John McKee, dec'd.; Also "Division of Slaves" County Court pkg 13 Apr Term 1848 gives age as 45 and value as $200.
EveColvinCharlesPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book B page 287to daughter, Franky Duncan; will written 15 Mar 1810, probated 24 May 1810
EveDuncanFrankyPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book B page 287Father's (Charles Colvin) will: , Negro girl to daughter, Franky Dunca; will written 15 Mar 1810, probated 24 May 181;
FannyBarkerJohn HPendleton Co.MDeposition taken 2nd Monday in Feb. 1864Was in service to Melvina Dora Barker; age now 14; Worth $12/ yr until age 21.
FannyWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)FWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
FrankDuncanNancyPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book B page 287Father's (Charles Colvin) will: Frank, negro woman to daughter, Nancy Duncan plus the child she now has; will written 15 Mar 1810, probated 24 May 181;
FrankColvinCharlesPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book B page 287Negro woman to daughter, Nancy Duncan, plus the child she now has; will written 15 Mar 1810, probated 24 May 1810.
FranklinPepperMaryPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 4 Jul 1853; mother Harriett
GabrielWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)MWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
GeorgeBellewSamuelPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 20 Mar 1859
GeorgeBrowningElijahPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 18 Feb 1857
GeorgeDanceWilliamCallensville, Pendleton Co.MCo. Court pkg 24Sold to Joseph Thompson on 3 Mar 1851 for $281.00; appraised on 11 Dec 1850 for $75; age 60.
GeorgeForsytheB.L.Pendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; 16 Jun 1853 - mother Amanda
GeorgeGlennJohnPendleton Co.MPendleton Co Order Book J7 Sep 1846, Bryan Ingles emancipated his slave a negro boy slave named George, formerly the property of John Glenn and who was set free by said Glenn will. Bond in sum of $1,000 that George never become a charge upon this county. Signed: Bryan Ingles, Allen B Godman, John Lowe.
GeorgeInglesBryanPendleton Co.MPendleton Co Order Book J7 Sep 1846, Bryan Ingles emancipated his slave a negro boy slave named George, formerly the property of John Glenn and who was set free by said Glenn will. Bond in sum of $1,000 that George never become a charge upon this county. Signed: Bryan Ingles, Allen B Godman, John Lowe.
GeorgeMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229George, Negro man to son, John and the plantation whereon I live; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825.
GeorgeMountjoy, Jr.JohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229George, Negro man to son, John and the plantation whereon I live; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
GeorgeSterneSusanPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pg 165George, Negro man, to sister Susan Sterne - George now in possession of David T.W. Sterne; will of Sarah Waller written on 8 Sep 1828, probated 21 March 1832.
GeorgeWallerSarahPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pg 165George, Negro man, to sister Susan Sterne - George now in possession of David T.W. Sterne; will of Sarah Waller written on 8 Sep 1828, probated 21 March 1832.
George GarrardGarrardRichard F & Thomas L. (brothers)Pendleton Co.FCo Court Dism 1867age 10 in 1867; The Garrard brothers asked for Richard and George Garrard (infants) to be bound to them until Richard reached the age of 21. Their mother was dead. She was a former slave of theirs.
Hannah??Pendleton Co.F1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in KY; month of death not recorded; 2 years old; no cause of death listed
HannahMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Hannah, Negro woman to daughter, Margaret; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825.
HannahMountjoyMargaretPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Hannah, Negro woman to daughter, Margaret; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
HannahThrasherJanePendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 84Hannah Negro girl to wife, Jane. Hannah is to be freed at the death of wife, Jane. Will of Stephen Thrasher written 12 Mar 1831 and probated 24 May 1831
HannahThrasherStephenPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 84Hannah Negro girl to wife, Jane. Hannah is to be freed at the death of wife, Jane.
HarrietHensleyMaryPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 58Harriet, Negro woman to wife Mary; Will of Samuel Hensley written 4 Oct 1830 & probated 25 Jan 1831
HarrietHensleySamuelPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 58Harriet, Negro woman to wife Mary; Will written 4 Oct 1830 & probated 25 Jan 1831
HarryAsburyThomasPendleton Co.MEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry filesale price $150.00 in 1827
HarryLowe, Sr.JohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Harry, Negro boy to son, John; will written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
HarryLoweLeathaPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Harry, Negro boy to son, John; will of John Lowe written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
Henry??Pendleton Co.M1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in KY; age 1 year; died in May 1850 from croup; ill 30 days
HenryInglesJohnPendleton Co.MWm A White vs. John Ingles 10 May 1856; Pendleton Cir Court Pkg 126Abt 23 Apr 1856 plaintiff purchased Henry about 19 years old for $900.
HenryWhiteWilliam APendleton Co.MPendleton County Circuit Court pkg 126; styled William A White vs. John Ingles dated 10 May 1856Age 19; sold for $900 to plaintiff
Henry HudsonWarnerWilliam A.Pendleton Co.M; American International Group, Inc. insurance company. Pol. #: 2123 (from "Slave Era Insurance Policies Index, 1640-1865" on
IncreaseLowe, Sr.JohnPendleton Co.UnknownWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Increase of Sib to daughter Leathy Lowe; will written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
IncreaseLoweLeathaPendleton Co.UnknownWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Increase of Sib to daughter Leathy Lowe; will of John Lowe written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
IsaacAsburyThomasPendleton Co.MEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry file$400.00 sale price. Sale was in 1827.
IsraelSandersSarahPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book B pg 466Written 26 Mar 1814, probated 20 May 1814;
JackKendellDiceyPendleton Co.MWill of Dicey Kendall found in Deed Book B pg 309Will written on November 29, 1808, probated on January 23, 1811. Jack to be freed at age 21
JackLowe, Sr.JohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Jack, Negro boy to daughter, Rachael Godman and her children John Godman & William W Godman; will written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
JackLoweLeathaPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Jack, Negro boy to daughter, Rachael Godman and her children John Godman & William W Godman; will of John Lowe written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
JackRuleWilliam CPendleton Co.MPendleton County Court papers filed; transcribed from E.E. Barton Collection of NKY Familiespapers filed in Pendleton Co. KY Court in Oct of 1860 contained a recommendation theste slaves be sold "since they were located in Pendleton Co, a border county with the state of Ohio. They were sold on the first Monday of December 1860 at the court house door.
JacobBrannJosephCallensville, Pendleton Co.MCo. Court pkg 18sold on 5 Jun 1837 for $450.00; age 8
JamesAsburyThomasPendleton Co.UEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry fileAge 3 years purchased by Robert Makemson for $126.00. Sale was in 1827.
JamesBarkerJohn HPendleton Co.MDeposition taken 2nd Monday in Feb. 1864Remained with his mother (except one year) when he died last winter. His mother remained with Catherine, the widow of John H. Baker. Mother not named.
JamesColemanFrancisPendleton Co.MInventory of Estate of Francis ColemanNegro boy appraisal for $150 on 27 Nov 1821
JamesMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229James, Negro man to son, John and the plantation whereon I live; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825.
JamesMountjoy, Jr.JohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229James, Negro man to son, John and the plantation whereon I live; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
James BradleyBradley?Pendleton Co.M & was abducted from his home in Africa at age 3, brought to America and sold as a slave in South Carolina. He was bought by a "Mr. Bradley" whose name he took. Bradley brought him to Pendleton County.
James FranklinYeltonColumbusPendleton Co.MPendleton Co. Order Book J page 433Emancipated 6 Sep 1852; Deed of Emancipation from Columbus Yelton to James Franklin, formerly a slave of Wm Yelton dec'd; about 5'9" high, black complexion with scar under his left eye; age 52
James FranklinYeltonWilliam CPendleton Co.MPendleton Co. Order Book J page 433Emancipated on 1 May 1848; $300 bond executed by the heirs of Wm. C Yelton
James LockmanHitchSarah & Luther MPendleton Co.MPendleton Co. Order Book J page 118very black complexion, about 5'2" tall & "rather spare make"; age 55; Deed of emancipation on by Sarah and Luther M. Hitch on oath of Robert Hitch witness. Securities: Robert H. Hitch & William Ellis; Emancipated on 7 May 1849
JaneAsberrySarahPendleton Co.FPendleton county Circuit Court pkg. 126; Sarah Asberry vs. George Glenn, a free man of color dated 22 Mar 1856child of Maria; wife of George Glenn, a free man of color, who left the state with her and her children; child valued at $400.00 age 6; On 28 Dec 1854 plff hired to deft for 1 year, 5 negro slaves, being his wife and children. did not pay the $40 / year for the hire; owns land on the South Fork of the Licking River
JaneAsburyThomasPendleton Co.FEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry filesale price $225.00 in 1827
JaneChildersJohnPendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 2 May 1857
JaneDanceThomasCallensville, Pendleton Co.F26 Mar 1841; The Liberator, Boston, MAadult; Mulatto; runaway; located in Oberlin, OH and attempt made to return her to KY but attempt failed. See newspaper source
JaneRushDanielPendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; mother - Ann; DOB 23 Aug 1853
Jared/JaneCoppageHannahPendleton Co.UnknownWill in Deed Book F, pg 165Negro servant to sister Hannah Coppage; will of Sarah Waller written on 8 Sep 1828, probated 21 March 1832.
Jared/JaneWallerSarahPendleton Co.UnknownWill in Deed Book F, pg 165Negro servant to sister Hannah Coppage; will of Sarah Waller written on 8 Sep 1828, probated 21 March 1832.
JarredMooreBenjaminPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 2 May 1857
Jefferson aka JohnsonMacNeesIsaac N.Harrison Co.M26 Mar 1841; The Liberator, Boston, MARunaway; located in Oberlin, OH and attempt made to return her to KY but attempt failed. See newspaper source.
JerryLowe, Sr.JohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Jerry Negro boy to son, John; will written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
JerryLoweLeathaPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Jerry Negro boy to son, John; will of John Lowe written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
JoeWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)MWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
JohnAsburyThomasPendleton Co.MEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry fileAppraisal value $300.00; no record of sale included in file.
JohnMcKeeJohnPendleton Co.ME.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee file7 Apr 1845 Report of Wm C Naylor, Gdn for John E and Martha Ann McKee, children and heirs of John McKee, dec'd.; age 4, appraised at $200; Also "Division of Slaves" County Court pkg 13 Apr term 1848 gives age as 7 years and value $300.
John??Pendleton Co.M1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in KY; age 4 years; died in Sep 1849 from inflamation; ill 30 days
JohnAsberrySarahPendleton Co.MPendleton county Circuit Court pkg. 126; Sarah Asberry vs. George Glenn, a free man of color dated 22 Mar 1856child of Maria; wife of George Glenn, a free man of color, who left the state with her and her children; child valued at $600, age 12; On 28 Dec 1854 plff hired to deft for 1 year, 5 negro slaves, being his wife and children; did not pay the $40 / year for the hire; owns land on the South Fork of the Licking River.
JohnDanceThomasCallensville, Pendleton Co.MCo. Court pkg 31age 8; sold 15 Jan 1862 for $300.00
JohnGarrardThomas LPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 14 Dec 1858
JohnMurphyJanePendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 6 Jun 1858
John Lyle (Wilson)TurpinThomasVirginiaMDr. Henry Louis Gates and Finding Your Roots with Russell Wilson at the Richmond Forum in Virginia. ; and Falmouth Outlook 1911 Aug. 11Ran away and joined the USCT. Served with his owner in the Confederate Army as a vallet. Moved to Pendleton County after the war; Aug 11, 1911 died on Sunday age 72 born in Lynchburg, VA. Was known as John Lyle during war but changed surname to Wilson sometime after.
JonnyHandHannahPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Jonny, Negro boy to my daughter Hannah Hand; will of John Hand, Sr.
JonnyHandJohn, Sr.Pendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Jonny, Negro boy to my daughter Hannah Hand; will of John Hand, Sr.
JordanWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)MWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
Josephine MundayMonroeUnknownPendleton Co.FFalmouth Outlook Nov 1939 obituarySurvived by daughter Susie Hand. Married surname was Munday. Died at her home in Falmouth on 25 Nov 1939. Ninety years old.
JudyMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Judy, Negro woman to daughter, Mariah; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825.
JudyMountjoyMariahPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Judy, Negro woman to daughter, Mariah; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
JuliaMcKeeJohnPendleton Co.FE.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee file7 Apr 1845 Report of Wm C Naylor, Gdn. for John E and Martha Ann McKee, children and heirs of John McKee, dec'd. Valued at $300.
Julia AnnFrazerJohn HPendleton Co.FPendleton County Circuit Court pkg 189; styled James and T.A. Frazer vs. Elsey Hughes filed 8 Mar 1864 by Boyd, attorneyWife of Elsey Hughes; Purchased from John H. Frazer of Harrison County; purchased for $500.00
Julia AnnHughesElseyPendleton Co.FPendleton County Circuit Court pkg 189; styled James and T.A. Frazer vs. Elsey Hughes filed 8 Mar 1864 by Boyd, attorneyWife of Elsey Hughes; Purchased from John H. Frazer of Harrison County; purchased for $500.00
KaliBostonJanePendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 28 Apr 1859
KittyHauser, Sr.Samuel T.Pendleton Co.FOwen T Sharp vs. Jennetta Sharp Pendleton Circuit Ct. Pkg 126Hauser owned 19/27th interest, excluding dower interest in the five slaves: Essex, Tom, Stephen, Kitty, and her child Emily.
LauraAulickHenryPendleton Co.FBirth recordMulatto: DOB 11 Jul 1854
LeeOxleyLawsonPendleton Co.MPendleton County Circuit Court pkg. 201; styled Lawson Oxley vs. Robert Jones and E.H. Samuels filed 10 Oct 1865Lee went into Government Service in 1864
LemKennettW.C.Pendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pg 291Lem, Negro man, not to be held as a slave any longer than five years from the date of this will, after which he should be set free; will of W.C. Kennett written 14 Jun 1833 and probated 4 Sep 1833.
LevenaRedenhourJosephPendleton Co.FPendleton Co Order Book J page 82Emancipated on 4 May 1846; Bond Executed for $300 by Joseph Redenhour & Wm. Bruce; age 38
LewisDanceThomasCallensville, Pendleton Co.MCo. Court pkg 31age 16: sold 15 Jan 1862 for $550.00
LewisJohnsBaileyMP.Cir. Ct. Pkg 178 Jas. P. Patton vs} Appeal from P.Co.Ct. Bailey JohnsProceedings had before S. Tho. Hauser, Presiding Judge of P. Co. Ct. state of Ky. Dec 4, 1862; Upon motion of release a negro boy Lewis in jail as a runaway, without paying the taker up the reward allowed by law. Thurs. 4 Dec 1862- The parties appearing and being heard by their testimony, it is adjudged that the motion be overruled and the deft recover his costs of the plff in the motion expended.
LiddaRushMargaretPendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 15 Sep 1856
LidiaLowe, Sr.JohnPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Lidia, Negro girl to daughter, Polly Lowe; will written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
LidiaLoweLeathaPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Lidia, Negro girl to daughter, Polly Lowe; will written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
LouisaHallF.S.Pendleton Co.F1860 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Died in July 1859 of Scarlett Fever; age 6 months; sick 9 days
LucindaClarksonAnslemPendleton Co.FKY County Court Records Volume III; Deed Book C, page 249.A negro woman named Lucinda and her increase to daughter, Elizabeth Johnson; upon her death Lucinda to the heirs of James Johnson; will written 26 Nov 1816 in Bourbon County, probated 21 Jun 1817 in Pendleton Co where David Clarkson lived; executors: David Clarkson, John McDonald;
LucindaJohnsonElizabethPendleton Co.FKY County Court Records Volume III; Deed Book C, page 249.A negro woman named Lucinda and her increase to daughter, Elizabeth Johnson; upon her death Lucinda to the heirs of James Johnson; will written 26 Nov 1816 in Bourbon County, probated 21 Jun 1817 in Pendleton Co where David Clarkson lived; executors: David Clarkson, John McDonald; will of Anslem Clarkson
LucindaJohnsonJames (heirs of)Pendleton Co.FKY County Court Records Volume III; Deed Book C, page 249.A negro woman named Lucinda and her increase to daughter, Elizabeth Johnson; upon her death Lucinda to the heirs of James Johnson; will written 26 Nov 1816 in Bourbon County, probated 21 Jun 1817 in Pendleton Co where David Clarkson lived; executors: David Clarkson, John McDonald; will of Anslem Clarkson
LucyWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)FWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
LucyWilletMartin F.Bourbon Co.FCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102, & E.E. Barton collection of NKY familieson May 16, 1836, filled a suit along with their mother Charity, infants; claim to be free because they are children and descendents of a free colored woman, who was free at the times of their birth. granted freedom on June 8, 1834.
LydiaMcKeeJohnPendleton Co.FE.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee file7 Apr 1845 Report of Wm C Naylor Gdn. for John E and Martha Ann McKee, children and heirs of John McKee, dec'd.; age 6, appraised for $ 200; also "Division of slaves" County Court pkg 13 Apr Term Court 1848 gives age as 9 years and value $250.
MargeryWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)FWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
MariaAsberrySarahPendleton Co.FPendleton county Circuit Court pkg. 126; Sarah Asberry vs. George Glenn, a free man of color dated 22 Mar 1856wife of George Glenn, a free man of color, who left the state with her and her children; value $600.00; On 28 Dec 1854 plff hired to deft for 1 year, 5 negro slaves, being his wife and children; did not pay the $40 / year for the hire; owns land on the South Fork of the Licking River.
MariahAsburyThomasPendleton Co.FEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry fileAge 5 yr. purchased by Eliza Asberry for $194.00. Sale was in 1827.
MariahOxleyLawsonPendleton Co.FPendleton County Circuit Court pkg. 201; styled Lawson Oxley vs. Robert Jones and E.H. Samuels filed 10 Oct 1865Mariah was wife of Lee and children were his. Oct Term 1867 Dismd for want of prosecution. Case originally filed in Harrison county venue changed to Pendleton 22 Jan 1866. Total value of Mariah and children - $1000
Martha??Pendleton Co.F1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack: Born in KY, age 3 years; died in Sep 1849 from congest fever; ill 5 days
MarthaDanceThomasCallensville, Pendleton Co.FCo. Court pkg 31age 37; sold with child Dick for $1,000.00 on 15 Jan 1862
MaryBarkerJohn HPendleton Co.FDeposition taken 2nd Monday in Feb. 1864Was with the widow of John H Barker, Catherine, at time of deposition. Will of John H Barker had not been settled and the deposition was taken as part of a suit to settle the estate.
MaryBostonCPendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 22 Jun 1859
MaryRuleWilliam CPendleton Co.FPendleton County Court papers filedpapers filed in Pendleton Co. KY Court in Oct of 1860 contained a recommendation theste slaves be sold "since they were located in Pendleton Co, a border county with the state of Ohio. They were sold on the first Monday of December 1860 at the court house door.
MaryThompsonJosephPendleton Co.FBirth recordDOB 19 Apr 1858; black
MaryWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)FWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
Mary Ann CarrCarrLancelotPendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 21 Oct 1853; mother - Harriett
Mary GibbonsGibbonsJohnPendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 26 Dec 1853 mother Betsy
Mary JaneRuleMaryPendleton Co.FWill Book 1841-1871 pg 16Will of Wm. C. Rule written on 21 May 1842, filtered in Aug of 1843 and proved in Oct 1843; Negro woman to wife, Mary. Aprx age 40 in 1860 slave schedule
Mary JaneRuleWilliam CPendleton Co.FWill Book 1841-1871 pg 16Will of Wm. C. Rule written on 21 May 1842, filtered in Aug of 1843 and proved in Oct 1843; Negro woman to wife, Mary. Aprx age 40 in 1860 slave schedule
MillyAsberrySarahPendleton Co.FPendleton county Circuit Court pkg. 126; Sarah Asberry vs. George Glenn, a free man of color dated 22 Mar 1856child of Maria; wife of George Glenn, a free man of color, who left the state with her and her children; child valued at $500.00. age 10; On 28 Dec 1854 plff hired to deft for 1 year, 5 negro slaves, being his wife and children, did not pay the $40 / year for the hire; owns land on the South Fork of the Licking River.
MillyAsburyThomasPendleton Co.FEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry fileAge 30 years purchased by Wm. F. Asberry for $206.50. Sale was in 1827.
MillyDanceNancyCallensville, Pendleton Co.FCo. Court pkg 28Nancy Dance estate apprasail/ sale; apraised on 7 Apr 1856 for $150; age over 60; sale date 21 Apr 1856
MillyDanceWilliamCallensville, Pendleton Co.FCo. Court pkg 24Appraisal value $150 on 11 Dec 1850; sold 3 Mar 1851; buyer not named; age 50
MillyEastinAugustusPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book G, pg 271Re: Will of Mary F. Rule, written 22 Aug 1837 and probated 18 Sep 1837; document signed by Mary's father, William Rule and witnessed by G. T. Hauser; 1/3 interet in Milly to grandchildren, Mary F, A.E. and Juith A.
MillyHandEleanorPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny; And I further will and bequeath that my two negro women Milly and Nancy are to be divided between my three last mentioned daughters in the same manner as proscribed with my household furniture, stock, etc, to them my said daughters and their heirs forever.
MillyHandHannahPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny; And I further will and bequeath that my two negro women Milly and Nancy are to be divided between my three last mentioned daughters in the same manner as proscribed with my household furniture, stock, etc, to them my said daughters and their heirs forever.
MillyHandJohn Sr.Pendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny; And I further will and bequeath that my two negro women Milly and Nancy are to be divided between my three last mentioned daughters in the same manner as proscribed with my household furniture, stock, etc, to them my said daughters and their heirs forever.
MillyHandLydiaPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny; And I further will and bequeath that my two negro women Milly and Nancy are to be divided between my three last mentioned daughters in the same manner as proscribed with my household furniture, stock, etc, to them my said daughters and their heirs forever.
MillyRuleA.E.Pendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book G, pg 271Re: Will of Mary F. Rule, written 22 Aug 1837 and probated 18 Sep 1837; document signed by Mary's father, William Rule and witnessed by G. T. Hauser; 1/3 interet in Milly to grandchildren, Mary F, A.E. and Juith A.
MillyRuleJudith A.Pendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book G, pg 271Re: Will of Mary F. Rule, written 22 Aug 1837 and probated 18 Sep 1837; document signed by Mary's father, William Rule and witnessed by G. T. Hauser; 1/3 interet in Milly to grandchildren, Mary F, A.E. and Juith A.
MillyRuleMary FPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book G, pg 271Re: Will of Mary F. Rule, written 22 Aug 1837 and probated 18 Sep 1837; document signed by Mary's father, William Rule and witnessed by G. T. Hauser; 1/3 interet in Milly to grandchildren, Mary F, A.E. and Juith A.
MillyRuleWilliamPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book G, pg 271Re: Will of Mary F. Rule, written 22 Aug 1837 and probated 18 Sep 1837; document signed by Mary's father, William Rule and witnessed by G. T. Hauser; 1/3 interet in Milly to grandchildren, Mary F, A.E. and Juith A.
Milly LockmanEllisWilliamPendleton Co.FPendleton Co. Order Book J page 118emancipated on 5 Mar 1849; bright yellow complexion; 4'6", very corpulent; age 50; Deed of Emancipation by William Ellis. Security: Robert Hitch
MimyChildersElizaPendleton Co.FJohn Childers Administrator vs. Sarah Asberry 15 Feb 1859I also after duly advertising the negro woman mentioned in the pleadings and judgment, offered her for sale to the highest bidder at the court house door in the town of Falmouth on the first Monday of January 1860 (it being County Court day) when Eliza F Childers bid the sum of $10 for the negro woman- thereupon she executed a bond as required by law which bond is filed herewith. The bond is the price of the negro woman Mimy. Bond signed by John Childers and S. Thomas Hauser. Note included in package indicated that Mimy was between 65-70, was blind in one eye and suffered from rheumatism.
MinervaWilletMartin F.Bourbon Co.FCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102, & E.E. Barton collection of NKY familieson May 16, 1836, filled a suit along with their mother Charity, infants; claim to be free because they are children and descendents of a free colored woman, who was free at the times of their birth. granted freedom on June 8, 1834.
MinnAsburyThomasPendleton Co.FEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry fileAppraisal value $350.00; no record of sale included in file.
MollyHensleyMaryPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 58Molly, Negro woman to wife, Mary; Will of Samuel Hensley written 4 Oct 1830 & probated 25 Jan 1831
MollyHensleySamuelPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 58Molly, Negro woman to wife, Mary; Will written 4 Oct 1830 & probated 25 Jan 1831
MosesWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)MWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
NanMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Nan, Negro woman to grandson John William Mountjoy, his father being dec'd.; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825.
NanMountjoyJohn WilliamPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Nan, Negro woman to grandson John William Mountjoy, his father being dec'd.; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
NancyColemanFrancisPendleton Co.FInventory of Estate of Francis ColemanNegro girl appraisal for $250 on 27 Nov 1821
NancyHandEleanorPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Milly and Nancy are to be divided between my three last mentioned daughters in the same manner as proscribed with my household furniture, stock, etc, to them my said daughters and their heirs forever.
NancyHandHannahPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Milly and Nancy are to be divided between my three last mentioned daughters in the same manner as proscribed with my household furniture, stock, etc, to them my said daughters and their heirs forever.
NancyHandJohn Sr.Pendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Milly and Nancy are to be divided between my three last mentioned daughters in the same manner as proscribed with my household furniture, stock, etc, to them my said daughters and their heirs forever.
NancyHandLydiaPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Milly and Nancy are to be divided between my three last mentioned daughters in the same manner as proscribed with my household furniture, stock, etc, to them my said daughters and their heirs forever.
NannyHensleyMaryPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 58Nanny, Negro woman to wife Mary; Will of Samuel Hensley written 4 Oct 1830 & probated 25 Jan 1831
NannyHensleySamuelPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 58Nanny, Negro woman to wife Mary; Will written 4 Oct 1830 & probated 25 Jan 1831
NedEllisJohnPendleton Co.MWill of John Ellisemancipated on 6 Jan 1848; Bond Executed for $500 by Henry Ellis and S. Thomas Hauser; Henry & William Ellis Executors
NelsonBrannJosephCallensville, Pendleton Co.MCo. Court pkg 18sold on 5 Jun 1837 for $600.00; age 10
NelsonHandJohn, Sr.Pendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife, Jenny, Nelson, Negro boy to daughter, Elizabeth Makemson which is now nad has been in her possession for several years.
NelsonMakemsonElizabethPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242Upon death of wife, Jenny, Nelson, Negro boy to daughter, Elizabeth Makemson which is now nad has been in her possession for several years; will of John Hand, Sr.
NoahWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)MWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
Not NamedMurphyJamesPendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 7 Dec 1855; Remarks on Birth record "before its time"
Not NamedStowersRichardPendleton Co.MBirth recordDOB 18 Oct 1855; black
PalaceColvinCharlesPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book B page 287Negro woman to daughter, Elizabeth Duncan written 15 Mar 1810, probated 24 May 1810;
PalaceDuncanElizabethPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book B page 287Father's (Charles Colvin) will: , Negro woman to daughter, Elizabeth Duncan written 15 Mar 1810, probated 24 May 181;
ParkerHandEleanorPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Parker, Negro boy to my daughter, Eleanor Hand; will of John Hand Sr.
ParkerHandJohn, Sr.Pendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Parker, Negro boy to my daughter, Eleanor Hand; will of John Hand Sr.
PatsyDanceThomasCallensville, Pendleton Co.FCo. Court pkg 31age 19; sold 15 Jan 1862 for $550.00
PattyMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Patty, Negro woman to daughter, Mariah; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825.
PattyMountjoyMariahPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Patty, Negro woman to daughter, Mariah; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
PegKendellDiceyPendleton Co.FWill of Dicey Kendall found in Deed Book B pg 309Will written on November 29, 1808, probated on January 23, 1811; Peg to be freed and given two acres of land for herself and Jack to live on
PeggyWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)FWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
PeterGoodwinMary Ann & JamesPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Peter, Negro child to daughter, Mary Ann Goodwin and James Goodwin, now in her possession; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
PeterHandJohn, Sr.Pendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Peter, Negro boy to my daughter, Lydia Hand; will of John Hand Sr.
PeterHandLydiaPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Peter, Negro boy to my daughter, Lydia Hand; will of John Hand Sr.
PeterMcKeeJohnPendleton Co.ME.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee file7 Apr 1845 Report of Wm C Naylor, Gdn. for John E and Martha Ann McKee, children and heirs of John McKee, dec'd.; also "Division of Slaves" County Court pkg 13 Apr Term 1848 gives age as 4 years and value $225.
PeterMcKeeMarthaPendleton Co.ME.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee fileDivision of Slaves Co. Court pkg 13 Apr term 1848
PeterMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Peter, Negro child to daughter, Mary Ann Goodwin and James Goodwin, now in her possession; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
PolkDanceThomasCallensville, Pendleton Co.MCo. Court pkg 31age 18; sold 15 Jan 1862 for $600.00
RachaelMcKeeJohnPendleton Co.FE.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee file"age probably 60"; Appraised at $50; 7 Apr 1845 Report of Wm C Naylor Gdn. for John E and Martha Ann McKee, children and heirs of John McKee, dec'd.; Also "Division of Slaves" county court pkg 13 Apr term 1848 reported she was blind and "will be a charge upon said heirs to be maintained and supported by them out of their estates."
RachelAsburyThomasPendleton Co.FEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry fileAge 1 yr. purchased by Henry C. Asberry for $131.00. Sale was in 1827.
RachelAsburyThomasPendleton Co.FEstate sale papers, transcribed in the E.E. Barton collection of NKY families; Asbury/ Asberry fileAge 45 yrs. purchased by John McKee for $71.00. Sale was in 1827.
RebeccaBostonJanePendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 8 Nov 1859
RebeccaWilletteMartin T/FPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book G, pg 346Rebecca, Negro girl to wife, Mary Ann; rest of real estate and slaves are to be either hired out or sold for benefit of children of Martin Willette.
RebeccaWilletteMary AnnPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book G, pg 346Rebecca, Negro girl to wife, Mary Ann; rest of real estate and slaves are to be either hired out or sold for benefit of children of Martin Willette.
Rebecca "Becky"WilletMartin F.Bourbon Co.FCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102, & E.E. Barton collection of NKY familiesSold Charity and 2 children (Lucy and Rebecca) for $275, might be held bondage at Carlisle in Nicholas County on May 16, 1836, filled a suit along with their mother Charity,claim to be free because they are children and descendents of a free colored woman, who was free at the times of their birth; freedom on June 8, 1834
remainder of slavesDuncanCharlesPendleton Co.Will in Deed Book B page 287to be sold; doesn't mention names or the number of slaves
ReubenWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)MWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
Ricard GarrardGarrardRichard F & Thomas L. (brothers)Pendleton Co.FCo Court Dism 1867age 10 in 1867; The Garrard brothers asked for Richard and George Garrard (infants) to be bound to them until Richard reached the age of 21. Their mother was dead. She was a former slave of theirs.
RichmondWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)MWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
RileyHobdayJohnPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 13 Feb 1855
Robert??Pendleton Co.M1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in KY; one month old; died in Jan 1849; sick 2 days with unknown illness
SallieMillerHarrisonPendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 12 Oct 1859
SallyKennettMariaPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 291Sally, negro girl to wife, Maria; will of W.C. Kennett written 14 Jun 1833 and probated 4 Sep 1833.
SallyKennettW.C.Pendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 291Sally, negro girl to wife, Maria; will of W.C. Kennett written 14 Jun 1833 and probated 4 Sep 1833.
Sally GarrardGarrardJames CPendleton Co.FFreedman's Records for Cynthiana, KY and Co. Ct. Dism 1867Necessary to have Sally Garrard bound to him; she is ten years old. Presently in his custody. He is former master.
SamGlinnBenjaminPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book C, page 193written 6 Sep 1816; Sam, yellow boy to be sold
SammyRuleWilliam CPendleton Co.MPendleton County Court papers filed and transcribed in E.E. Barton Collection of NKY Familiespapers filed in Pendleton Co. KY Court in Oct of 1860 contained a recommendation theste slaves be sold "since they were located in Pendleton Co, a border county with the state of Ohio. They were sold on the first Monday of December 1860 at the court house door.
Samuel??Pendleton Co.M1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in KY; died in Apr 1850; one year old; unknown illness lasting 3 months
SamuelStowersRichardCallensville, Pendleton Co.MPendleton Co Order Book J page 70Emancipated by deed. $1000 bond posted by Richard Stowers and Thomas Corwin (surety) on 21 Oct 1848 to insure person would not become a ward of the state; age 50; 6' high, black complexion; slight scar on right side of face near ear
Samuel (Records?)??Pendleton Co.M1860 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Died in March 1859 of Consumption; age 24 years, sick 7 days
Sarah??Pendleton Co.F1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in VA; age 95 years; died in Sep 1849 of old age; ill 15 days
SarahLightfootF. D.Pendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 15 Jun 1855 Remarks on birth record: "31"
SarahLightfootL.D.Pendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; 9 Apr 1853 - mother Abagail
SarahRuleWilliam CPendleton Co.FPendleton County Court papers filed & E.E. Barton Collection of NKY Familiespapers filed in Pendleton Co. KY Court in Oct of 1860 contained a recommendation theste slaves be sold "since they were located in Pendleton Co, a border county with the state of Ohio. They were sold on the first Monday of December 1860 at the court house door.
SarahWallerMariamPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 165Sarah, Negro girl to niece, Mariam Waller; will of Sarah Waller written on 8 Sep 1828, probated 21 March 1832.
SarahWallerSarahPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book F, pg 165Sarah, Negro girl to niece, Mariam Waller; will of Sarah Waller written on 8 Sep 1828, probated 21 March 1832.
SarahWilsonSamuelPendleton Co.FBirth recordDOB Apr 1853 - mother Louan; Mulatto
ShepherdMcKeeJohnPendleton Co.ME.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee file"Division of slaves" County Court pkg 13, Apr Term 1848 - age 9 months value at $125.
ShepherdMcKeeMarthaPendleton Co.ME.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee fileDivision of Slaves Co. Court pkg 13 Apr term 1848
SibColvinCharlesPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book B page 287Negro girl to daughter, Margaret Riddell; will written 15 Mar 1810, probated 24 May 1810
SibLowe, Sr.JohnPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Sib, Negro girl to daughter Sally Lowe; will written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
SibLoweLeathaPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Sib, Negro girl to daughter Sally Lowe; will of John Lowe written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
SibRiddellMargaretPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book B page 287Father's (Charles Colvin) will: Sib, Negro girl to daughter, Margaret Riddell; will written 15 Mar 1810, probated 24 May 181;
SillerColvinCharlesPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book B page 287Negro girl to son, Charles B. Colvin; will written 15 Mar 1810, probated 24 May 1810
SillerColvinCharles BPendleton Co.FWill in Deed Book B page 287Father's (Charles Colvin) will: Siller, negro girl to son, Charles B Colvin + 50 acres; will written 15 Mar 1810, probated 24 May 181;
SimonHandHannahPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Simon, Negro boy to my daughter Hannah Hand; will of John Hand, Sr.
SimonHandJohn Sr.Pendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Simon, Negro boy to my daughter Hannah Hand; will of John Hand, Sr.
Spencer HarrisonHallHenryBourbon Co.MP. Cir. Ct. pkg 208; Spencer Harrison, a free man of color vs} (Petn filed 1 Sep 1866 by Ireland and Duncan) E.P. Willett, Eli Mullins, & T.M. RouseThe plaintiff was the property of Henry Hall of Bourbon County, ran off from sd Hall & was passing down the RR from Bourbon co. through Pendleton Co to Cincinnati, OH; captured with his wife and two children as runaway slaves; Hall requested their return.
StaffordMcKeeJohnPendleton Co.ME.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee file"age probably 25"; Appraised at $350; 7 Apr 1845 Report of Wm C Naylor Gdn. for John E and Martha Ann McKee, children and heirs of John McKee, dec'd.; Also "Division of Slaves" County Court pkg 13 Apr Term 1848 gives age as 26 and value as $450.
StaffordMcKeeMarthaPendleton Co.ME.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee fileDivision of Slaves Co. Court pkg 13 Apr term 1848
StephenClarksonAnslemPendleton Co.MKY County Court Records Volume III; Deed Book C, page 249.A negro man named Stephen to wife, Nancy; will written 26 Nov 1816 in Bourbon County, probated 21 Jun 1817 in Pendleton Co; Will of Anselm Clarkson
StephenClarksonNancyPendleton Co.MKY County Court Records Volume III; Deed Book C, page 249.A negro man named Stephen to wife, Nancy; will written 26 Nov 1816 in Bourbon County, probated 21 Jun 1817 in Pendleton Co; Will of Anselm Clarkson
StephenHauser, Sr.Samuel T.Pendleton Co.MOwen T Sharp vs. Jennetta Sharp Pendleton Circuit Ct. Pkg 126Hauser owned 19/27th interest, excluding dower interest in the five slaves: Essex, Tom, Stephen, Kitty, and her child Emily.
SusanHallThomas GPendleton Co.FBirth recordDOB 15 Jun 1857
SusanWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)FWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
SyeLowe, Sr.JohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Sye, Negro boy to granddaughter Abitha Williams; will written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
SyeLoweLeathaPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E, pg. 392Sye, Negro boy to granddaughter Abitha Williams; will of John Lowe written 11 1828, probated 16 Sep 1828
ThomasBarkerJohn HPendleton Co.MDeposition taken 2nd Monday in Feb. 1864Thomas served the witness, Joseph Barker, son of John H. Barker, for 2 years 3 months when he died; age 19; ran off twice during the time he was with the witness. Witness paid $27 for recovery.
ThomasBarkerJohn HPendleton Co.MDeposition taken 2nd Monday in Feb. 1864Son of Mary who was with Catherine Barker, widow of John H Barker. Now age 5.
ThomasWoodsonWilliamPendleton Co.MBirth recordDOB 26 Sep 1857; Black
Tibitha AnnFisherTurnerPendleton Co.FCircuit Court packages #39, #41, & #102, & E.E. Barton collection of NKY familiesunder the age of 21
Tilford??Pendleton Co.M1850 Mortality ScheduleBlack; Born in KY; died in Aug 1849 of open head; ill three days; 3 days old
TobeHandJohn, Sr.Pendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Tobe, Negro boy to my son W.R. Hand, to wit Tobe is to be and remain in the possession of John R. Hand for the use and benefit of Wm. R. Hand during his natural life at his death to his heirs and their successors forever. If said W.R. Hand dies without heirs, Tobe is to go and be the property of sd, John R. Hand and heirs forever; will of John Hand Sr.
TobeHandWilliam RPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book F, pgs 241-242; written 19 Sep 1832Upon death of wife Jenny, Tobe, Negro boy to my son W.R. Hand, to wit Tobe is to be and remain in the possession of John R. Hand for the use and benefit of Wm. R. Hand during his natural life at his death to his heirs and their successors forever. If said W.R. Hand dies without heirs, Tobe is to go and be the property of sd, John R. Hand and heirs forever; will of John Hand Sr.
TomDanceThomasCallensville, Pendleton Co.MCo. Court pkg 31age 11; sold 15 Jan 1862 for $350.00
TomGoodwinMary Ann & JamesPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Tom, Negro child to daughter, Mary Ann Goodwin and James Goodwin, now in her possession; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
TomHauser, Sr.Samuel T.Henry Co.MOwen T Sharp vs. Jennetta Sharp Pendleton Circuit Ct. Pkg 126Tom was at the making of this suit hired out by Samuel Hauser to Elijah Nuttall Esq. of Henry County, Kentucky. Hauser owned 19/27th interest, excluding dower interest in the five slaves: Essex, Tom, Stephen, Kitty, and her child Emily.
TomMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Tom, Negro child to daughter, Mary Ann Goodwin and James Goodwin, now in her possession; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
TomMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Tom, Negro man to daughter, Margaret; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825.Will of John Mountjoy.
TomMountjoyMargaretPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229Tom, Negro man to daughter, Margaret; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
TomWatsonAnnPendleton Co.MBirth recordDOB 10 Apr 1859; Black
TomWoodyardThomas B.Harrison Co.MPendleton County Circuit Court pkg. 156; case originally in Harrison Countyrunaway; valued at $2,000 as of Apr 1859; Court Case: Isaac T. Martin (son-in-law) & Susan Woodyard (widow) of Thomas B. Woodyard, Dec'd. et al (heirs) v. The Covington and Lexington RR Co and Jacob Van Dine. Van Dine was a conductor on the railroad and was acused of allowing the slave to ride from Paris to Covington and the slave escaped and at time of filing was at large. Case transferred to Pendleton Co. on 6 Nov 1859. Filed originally in Harrison County on petition of Van Dine.
UnknownBarkerJohn HPendleton Co.MDeposition taken 2nd Monday in Feb. 1864Child of Mary who was with Catherine Barker, widow of John H Barker. Now age 2. Name unknown.
UnknownBrannJoseph J.Pendleton Co.UCircuit Court Pkg. 201child of Ann; When child was about two years old Joseph J Brann brought suit against F.M. Fugate to foreclose the mortgage on both mother and child.
UnnamedBlackburnFrancisPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB Mar 1853
UnnamedMcKinneyJohnPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 10 Jun 1853 (one of two births on this date- slaves of John McKinney)
UnnamedMcKinneyJohnPendleton Co.MBirth recordBlack; DOB 10 Jun 1853 (one of two births on this date- slaves of John McKinney)
UnnamedAulickHenryPendleton Co.FBirth recordBlack; DOB 5 May 1852
unnamed child of PatsyDanceThomasCallensville, Pendleton Co.UCo. Court pkg 31child; sold 15 Jan 1862 with his mother Patsy age 19 for $550 total
VincentMcKeeJohnPendleton Co.F(1) E.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee file & (2) Deed John E. McKee of Town Falmouth to Augustus Robbins 4 Mar 1850(1) 7 Apr 1845 Report of Wm. C. Naylor Gdn. for John E and Martha Ann McKee, children & heirs of John McKee, dec'd. Age 8, apprasied at $ 300. Also, "Division of slaves" County Court Pkg 13 Apr Term 1848 gives age as 11 and value at $400. (2) Mortgage of $550. Bargin and sell one negro woman named Easter, aged about 45 yrs.; one negro boy named Vincent aged about 13 warraned to be sound in body and mind. Attest: Ralph Tomlinson; Clerk Reuben McCarty.
VincentRobbinsAugustusPendleton Co.FDeed John E. McKee of Town Falmouth to Augustus Robbins 4 Mar 1850Mortgage of $550. Bargin and sell one negro woman named Easter, aged about 45 yrs.; one negro boy named Vincent aged about 13 warraned to be sound in body and mind. Attest: Ralph Tomlinson; Clerk Reuben McCarty.
WashingtonWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)MWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
wife of Spencer HarrisonHallHenryBourbon Co.FP. Cir. Ct. pkg 208; Spencer Harrison, a free man of color vs} (Petn filed 1 Sep 1866 by Ireland and Duncan) E.P. Willett, Eli Mullins, & T.M. RouseThe plaintiff was the property of Henry Hall of Bourbon County, ran off from sd Hall & was passing down the RR from Bourbon co. through Pendleton Co to Cincinnati, OH; captured with his wife and two children as runaway slaves; Hall requested their return.
WillWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)MWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.
WilliamColemanFrancisPendleton Co.MInventory of Estate of Francis ColemanNegro boy appraisal for $200 on 27 Nov 1821
WilliamMountjoyJohnPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229William, Negro boy to daughter, Mariah to serve Mariah until he is 31 years old and then he should be free; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825. Will of John Mountjoy.
WilliamMountjoyMariahPendleton Co.MWill in Deed Book E pg. 229William, Negro boy to daughter, Mariah to serve Mariah until he is 31 years old and then he should be free; will written 11 Jun 1823 and probated 25 May 1825; Will of John Mountjoy
WinnyColemanFrancisPendleton Co.FInventory of Estate of Francis ColemanNegro woman; appraisal for $400 on 27 Nov 1821
WinnyMcKeeJohnPendleton Co.FE.E. Barton collection of NKY families McKee file7 Apr 1845 Report of Wm C Naylor Gdn for John E and Martha Ann McKee, children and heirs of John McKee, dec'd. "Winny the dower slave since died."
WinnyWhiteEmilyHarrison Co. (possibly)FWhite, Emily vs P Cir C Pkg 83 Charles S. Clarkson/ Mrs. Emily White &} Contract for hire of Slaves; Charles S. Clarkson, D.S. ClarksonClarksons bound themselves to not hire the named Negroes to any other person without permission from owner. Agreed to keep them on the farm and not allow them to work at any distillery. Taxes on them and clothing to be purchased for them also covered. Also agreed to pay full value of any who "may abscond beyond recovery". 9 of the slaves were over 16 years of age & subject to tax. 22 Negroes valued at $8800.