We have listened to you and taken steps to meet your needs. Attached, you will find the final version of our new Circulation Policy. Major changes made to this policy include:
- Changing age limits on cards:
- Child cards are issued to anyone up to and including age 12.
- Young Adult cards will now be issued to anyone ages 13-17.
- Parents may choose for their children ages 13-17 to be given a Child card, which would keep them from borrowing YADVDs.
- Checkout limits increased to 2 on Adult/Easy Playaways, Wonderbooks (coming soon), and Literacy Kits.
- Games – checkout limit increased to 2; addition of Mature Games (coming soon games with mature rating) will only be available to borrow on an adult card.
- Young Adults will be allowed to check out a total of 2 DVDs combined from the CHDVD and YADVD collections.